Our constitution

Bristol Cameroonians Association, within the framework of, and in full respect of the laws of England, shall:
– seek to promote tourism and the culture of Cameroon in the UK;
– encourage social cohesion amongst members of the association without prejudice to social class;
– seek to provide moral or material assistance to members in difficulties;
– strive to create a favourable climate for exchange of ideas and experiences amongst its members;
– Work in partnership with other charitable organisations to support good will causes.SECTION 1: NAME AND LOCATIONArticle 1:
Bristol Cameroonians Association, herein after referred to as ‘the Association’, is an apolitical, not-for-profit, secular association, with an unlimited lifespan.
The Association shall include every member as defined in Article 5 who adheres to the provisions of the current constitution.Article 2:
The headquarters shall be located at:
c/o St Nicholas of Tolentino Church
Assissi Centre
Lawford’s Gate
Bristol BS5 0REThe location, as stated above, can be changed by a simple majority decision of the General Assembly.SECTION II: AIMS AND OBJECTIVESArticle 3:
The Association shall aim to nurture and consolidate a sense of solidarity and fraternity amongst the Association’s members by providing moral or material support to its members, and shall also aim to promote the Cameroonian culture in the United Kingdom.
The association shall have the following specific objectives:
a) Humanitarian:
i) The Association shall aim to provide moral or material support to members who are in difficulty.
ii) The Association shall aim to provide moral or material support to certain good will cause in Cameroon and in the UK. This may include, amongst others, donations to charitable organisations, installation of potable water, installation of electricity, supply of medical equipment and construction of schools.
b) Cultural: The Association shall uphold the culture of Cameroon by organising exhibitions of art and artisanal works (sculpture, pottery, poetry, theatre, etc), round table workshops, dance parties and exhibitions (both traditional and modern music).
c) Tourism: The Association shall aim to establish contacts with various bodies (agencies, organisations, institutions, etc) in the United Kingdom with the aim of promoting the image of Cameroon as an important touristic site.


Article 4: Membership fees
a) The annual registration is £70.00 per member payable in a maximum of three instalments in the ratio of £30: £20: £20 within the following deadlines;
• First Instalment by the General Assembly Meeting of February.
• Second Instalment by the General Assembly Meeting of June.
• Third instalment by the General Assembly Meeting of August.

b) Members who join the association mid-way through the year are obliged to pay the full annual registration of £70.00.

c) Members are duty bound to honour all financial contributions agreed by the General Assembly.

d) Failure to pay your annual registration and other financial contributions forfeits membership benefits and privileges.
Article 5: Types of Members
The Association shall have three categories of membership, notably active members, goodwill members and sympathisers.

a) Active members: criteria for active membership shall include:-
i) Persons of Cameroonian origin.
ii) Spouse of a member of Cameroonian origin.
iii) Payment of membership dues.
iv) Participation in the activities of the Association.
b) Goodwill members: A goodwill member shall be any person (individual or group), who assists the Association through subventions, donations or other forms of gifts.
c) Sympathisers: A ‘sympathising member’ is any person, irrespective of origin, who renders or has rendered important services to the Association.

Article 6: Termination of Membership
A person shall cease to be a member under the following circumstances:
a) Death;
b) Resignation;
c) Expulsion from the Association due to a serious offence, by a ¾ (three-quarters) majority decision of the General Assembly ;
d) Dissolution of the Association.

Article 7: A person who ceases to be a member shall not be entitled to any refund of his/her membership fees.

Article 8: Only active members shall be entitled to the rights and privileges offered by the Association in accordance with its statutory provisions including the right to vote.

Article 9: Help and Solidarity
a) In case of hospitalisation of an active member the General Assembly shall delegate some volunteers to visit the sick person.
b) In case of the death of an active member, a compulsory contribution of £100.00 per member shall be initiated by the Executive Committee.
c) In case of the death of a parent or child (of active member), a register of freewill donations shall be opened during the ‘wake keeping’, and this shall be the case if and only if the Association is informed.
d) In case of marriage, child birth, baptism and confirmation, a freewill donation from members will be given to the concerned.

NB: In all the cases stated above, the moral and physical assistance of all members is obligatory.

Article 10: Structure of the Association
The Association shall comprise the following structure:
a) The General Assembly;
b) The Executive Committee (EXCO)

Article 11: Powers of the General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Association. Its decisions shall be binding on every bona fide member of the Association and shall be taken on the basis of a simple majority of members present during deliberations.
In case of a tie, the President shall be entitled to a ‘casting vote’, implying his/her vote shall count as ‘double’.
In case of failure to perform its duties, the EXCO can be dissolved by the General Assembly on the basis of a majority decision of ¾ (three-quarters) of active members.

Article 12: Functions of the General Assembly
The General Assembly shall perform the following functions:
a) Elect members of the Executive Committee (EXCO).
b) Vote the budget of the Association.
c) Decide the amount for membership dues.
d) Decide on the activities to be undertaken by the Association in line with the latter’s objectives.
e) Evaluate the activities of the EXCO.
f) Can call for an Audit of the financial accounts of the association.

Article 13: Overview of the Role of the Executive Committee (EXCO)
The EXCO shall perform the following functions:
a) Prepare and submit the national plan of activities to the General Assembly.
b) Implement the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly.
c) Prepare the agenda for meetings.
d) Present a report of the Association’s activities.

Article 14: Structure of the Executive Committee
The EXCO shall comprise the following:
– One (1) President;
– One (1) Vice President;
– One (1) Secretary General;
– One (1) Treasurer;
– Two (2) Financial Secretary 1 & Financial Secretary 2
– One (1) Chief Whip.

a) Executive Committee
– The Executive Committee shall be elected for a period of one year renewable. Each member shall be elected on the basis of a simple majority of members participating in the elections. Each member can enjoy an unlimited number of mandates, if re-elected. Three-quarters (3/4) of active members shall need to be present in order to constitute a quorum for elections to hold;
– In case of total default by a member of the Executive Committee (such as frequent unjustified absences, non-execution of his/her duties), the General Assembly can decide to strip the bureau member of his/her post on the basis of a majority decision of ¾ of active members, and will proceed immediately to elect another active member into this position of responsibility.
b) Election of members into the Executive Committee (EXCO) shall hold one month before the end of the tenure of office of the current EXCO.
– For a person to present his/her candidature for the position of president, he/she must be an active member and deemed necessary to be serious and responsible, and must have attended AT LEAST 70% of the General Assembly meetings.

Article 15: Functions of Members of the Executive Committee
a) The President:
– As head of the Association, the president ensures the strict application of the current constitution;
– He/she shall be responsible for the proper functioning of the Association and delegates duties as applicable;
– The President must be up to date with every initiative the Association is undertaking and is an official member of every commission;
– The President convenes and presides over all meetings;
– He/she oversees the expenses of the Association in accordance with the resolutions of the General Assembly and its programme of action, while complying with the provisions of the association’s constitution;
– He/she shall represent the association in every activity pertaining to the current or judicial life of the Association;
– He/she shall oversee the implementation of decisions taken during meetings.
– He/she is one of the signatories to the association’s bank account but cannot sign a cheque to himself/herself.

b) The Vice President:
– The Vice President assists the President in all the latter’s functions and shall sit in for the President in case the latter is “hindered”;
– He/she shall coordinate all social, cultural and entertainment events of the association.

c) The Secretary General:
– The Secretary General keeps the registers and records of the Association;
– He/she is in charge of taking and reading the minutes of all meetings and making them available to members.
– He/she is in charge of communicating and publicising all the association’s events.

d) The Treasurer:
– The Treasurer is responsible for the ‘financial stability’ of the Association;
– He/she shall keep a record of all the financial transactions of the Association;
– He/she shall pay-in all available funds into the association’s bank account.
– Every trimester, he/she shall present a report of the financial situation (deposits, withdrawals, general situation of the association’s account).
– He/she, in partnership with the Financial Secretary, shall draw up the financial statement of the association.
– He/she is one of the signatories to the association’s bank account but cannot sign a cheque to himself/herself.

e) The Financial Secretaries:
– The financial secretaries shall be responsible for monitoring the accounts of the association.
– In case of any financial irregularities, it is mandatory that they inform the association during a meeting session, and will liaise with the President in a bid to take the necessary measures to find a solution to the situation.
– He/she shall maintain an up-to-date financial record of all members.
– Financial Secretary No 1 is one of the signatories to the association’s bank account but cannot sign a cheque to himself/herself.

f) The Chief Whip:
– He/she shall be responsible for maintaining order and discipline during meetings and is in charge of collecting fines.
– He/she shall assist with duties in accordance with the operational demands of the association.

Article 16: Meetings
a) Meetings shall be held once every month, on the first Sunday of the month, between 15:00 and 17:30. The average duration of a meeting shall be 2 ½ (two and a half) hours.
b) The meeting agenda shall be drawn up by the Secretary General in collaboration with the President and shall be distributed electronically to all Association members at least one (1) week before the date of any upcoming meeting.
c) Meetings shall be conducted in English and/or French
N.B. Members must adhere to a strict code of respect for other members during all meetings. Any public threats, verbal or physical affronts, slander, etc. are strictly forbidden, and any such cases shall be submitted to the General Assembly for consideration on a case by case basis.

Article 17: Absence and Lateness
a) Any absence or lateness to meetings should be notified in advance to the President or Secretary General who shall inform the Assembly
b) If any member is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings without presenting a justification for his/her absence, the EXCO shall attempt to contact the said member, and report their findings to the Assembly who shall decide what measures to take.

Article 18: Penalties
a) Lateness (arrival after 15:30): £1.00
b) Excessive chattering during meetings (meetings within meetings): £0.50

Article 19: Quorum
A quorum is attained if three-quarters (3/4) of active members are present.

Article 20: Independent Commissions
Independent Commissions shall be created by the General Assembly in order to resolve any problems or conflicts which may arise in the Association.


Article 21: Resources
The resources of Bristol Cameroonians Association are its members and their deep desire to ensure that all meetings, sensitization and other activities that the association intends to organize lead to a successful outcome. The commitment of all members shall be the basis for the success of the association.

Article 22: Sources of Income
The sources of income for Bristol Cameroonians Association shall consist of:
• Membership fees
• Penalties
• Subventions
• Gifts and legacy payments
• Miscellaneous collections
Article 23: Expenditure
a) All expenditure must be pre-approved by the General Assembly and shall be carried out by the EXCO
b) No one with the exception of the President is authorized to carry out any expenditure on behalf of Bristol Cameroonians Association for which they would require subsequent reimbursement, without the prior consent of the EXCO.
c) In case of a force majeure, the President can spend up to £50.00 on behalf of the association, after consulting with at least one (1) other member of the EXCO. An original and legally approved receipt of expenses must be presented in order to be reimbursed by the association.

Article 24: The sanctions that can be dispensed to an ill-disciplined member shall include the following:
• Call to order
• Warning
• Reprimand
• Suspension
• Expulsion
a) A call to order or warning or reprimand shall be decided and administered by the EXCO.
b) A suspension or expulsion shall be decided by the General Assembly and administered by the EXCO.

Article 25: The resignation or expulsion of a member of Bristol Cameroonians Association shall lead to an immediate loss of the rights and privileges offered by this constitution.

Article 26: The misappropriation of any property belonging to Bristol Cameroonians Association and/or any financial misconduct shall risk prosecution of the perpetrator(s) pursuant to the laws of England

Article 27: The use of the association’s name for personal aims is strictly forbidden. Any violation shall be liable to legal sanctions. Apart from members of the EXCO, no one shall speak or act on behalf of Bristol Cameroonians Association without having been mandated to do so by the EXCO.
Article 28:
a) The General Assembly shall decide on the dissolution of the association and the use of the assets of the association after its dissolution.
b) The dissolution of the association shall require a three-quarters (3/4) majority decision of the General Assembly.

c) In case of the dissolution of the association, all members shall be informed at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the said dissolution.

Article 29:
a) The first constitution (whose development started on 2nd April 2010) came into effect on the 5th September 2010.
b) The constitution can be amended if necessary, at a Plenary General Assembly requiring a majority of ¾ of the active members of Bristol Cameroonians Association.
• First constitutional amendment: 25th January 2014

We, the members of Bristol Cameroonians Association, present on the 2nd February 2014 approve of the current constitution to serve the purpose for which it is intended and to be asserted in law.

Samuel Ngamliya & Ivan Makoge
President & Secretary General

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