Educational resources

→Education is capital in developing our community. This page will provide useful information on free educational resource that are relevant to everyone. Please join us in our quest for free education.

∗Free online universities

* This university is absolutely free for some degree course wherever you are , all you need to do is read their requirements and apply when you are ready . The philosophy is to help those who cannot afford to travel abroad to access world standard education. they are sponsored by microsoft , Intel , IBM and other major players in the Business field . VISIT their site using the following link

>>> University of the People (UoPeople) is the world’s first non-profit, tuition-free, accredited, online academic institution

∗Free online educational websites

>>> Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard

>>> 7 Free Education Websites You Don’t Want to Miss

I Hope it Helps brothers and sisters here or back home
@Shared by Eric kamgou

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